The Secret Lizzie Update! (Also final update)

Hello all!

This update is pretty big on the bug fixes. We've been acting pretty heavily from feedback (thanks everyone for your feedback!) and tried to take care of as many of the criticisms as we could. Sadly, we couldn't act on all of the feedback.

However, if you know how to reach the green potion hidden in Lizzie Cove, you're in for an equally green surprise.

If you don't know, that's okay too! We've adjusted the random level generator so that it's possible to randomly find the same potion. We've also thankfully given an exorcism to the game and removed whatever monster was hiding behind the potion before CHELSEA LOVES YOU


this isn't the only news for the development of this game. Due to events in the PostalRoo's life, the game will have to be shelved indefinitely. Originally, the plan was to take a series of breaks and grow the team to help continue development, but this will probably have to be the last update for a long time.

These two posts give further details about the situation:

It's been a delight building on this over the year, and I appreciate all the positivity and feedback throughout its development

If you are interested or know anyone who might be interested in forming a team to pick up this buggy mess   code base and continue developing the game, please reach out.

Thanks everyone and enjoy the game!

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